Afternoon walk……

………through the Moor Hall Estate.
It goes past the hotel and through the Golf course.
Lovely sky at 3:00pm, and quite a mild day weather wise.
My first walk for awhile, since having the nasty flu like virus, (which wasn’t Covid). It’s sapped my energy.
We stopped at the Farmhouse Bistro for a coffee and Stephen went home to get the car, as my right side was playing up.
Lack of exercise!
Once I’d had a coffee and a sit down, it felt a lot better.
Our two garden robins were checking out the climbing hydrangea on the wall of the porch today for nesting, along with a dunnock.
The nuthatch was on one of the fatball feeders earlier, along with coaltits and bluetits, plus sparrows and bossy starlings. (Not all at the same time obviously!)
I heard a woodpecker drumming in the school grounds yesterday early in the morning. This morning there was a whole host of rooks in the trees across the road cawing and making a racket,
They don’t have a rookery in those trees, but I know where there is one not too far away. The redwings are still around in a large group.
January is almost at an end.
The evening are so much lighter.

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