Wild Moose Chase

By WildMooseChase

A tentative return to snowboarding

That's dad (Geoff) on a snowboard at Cardrona today. As you can see it was a lovely day on the mountain with lots of snow and not many skiers or boarders. Which was just as well as dad was pretty nervous getting back on his snowboard for the first time in about 6 years. Mum worked pretty hard to remind him just how good a boarder he is - and sure enough, all his body bits mostly did what was needed, and they both had a great first day on the slopes.

'Just do it' is my motto. Wait, did someone else already use that?

I had a nice walk up Mt Iron this morning - most of the snow has gone but it is pretty frozen still up top. Wanaka had an inversion most of the day but it was fine and sunny once that cleared away.

I'm staying with my friend Sam for the next week as mum and dad are off to Auckland. I guess that means no more snow photos until they get back.

Wonder what there is to see in the big city?

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