Large and slow!

Avoiding temporary traffic lights where dad lives means risking going over two level crossings. Our gamble failed today! However we now know the definition of large and slow vehicles.

Another long day, called into see mum on the way to dad’s but she was still fast asleep, so went to dad’s after 5 minutes. Then went for a Toby carvery , Ian then went onto the hospital to see his dad who is still in an isolation ward. He should have taken his mum but she was feeling under the weather so thought it wise to give it a miss. Then back to dad’s to
Pick me up, called back in to see mum who was awake and not too bad today and then we drove the 100 mile back home. I’ll be pleased when we can do all that and still get home in the daylight!

And then it all starts over again tomorrow…….

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