
Another day "aig an taigh" catching up with personal admin, doing more sorting and writing a short story for the An Cùrsa Inntrigidh student magazine (Paipear Bheag).  

In between times I read the Sunday papers and had the occassional look at a social media. I was amused to set Calum MacIean (one the presenters of Speak Gaelic) not only recommending reading children's book but specifically mentioning the Spàgan books.   I recently bought a bundle as they were being sold for a £1 each and they are a great resource. The grammar and vocabulary stretch me but not too much and they are full of idioms. In addition there are accompanying audio files. Working my way through these is one way I am planning on keeping learning between courses, the other being finishing Ceumannan 3 (the school text book) and working my way through B3 of Speak Gaelic. 

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