Sun rise

Up in decent time this morning and could see the glow behind the curtains :-)
Apparently we are in for some stunning sun rise and sun sets as the desert sands from the Sahara desert have been blown up into the atmosphere and with the current southerly winds they are being blown our way to create these.
Well I did get to rugby but have not looked at the images yet, as this evening Me and my youngest were invited to my eldest's for a meal and Scrabble, to see her new fancy revolving Scrabble board. She has now joined a scrabble club, so we thought we would be on a hiding to nothing but the game turned out to be close I was winning and she got me right at the end with a long word putting an s on a word she was not sure would be correct which meant her word hit the triple word score !! Of course we challenged but it was valid !

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