Diluain: Monday: Montag: Lundi

Another Monday survived, and occasionally enjoyed...

My wrecked old body has almost (I hope) recovered from Friday's vaccinations, and whatever happens it is a whole lot more pleasant to live in than it was on Saturday and Sunday. 

In the morning I set off on my weekly shopping trip to Falkland and it certainly counts as part of the enjoyment. So does the stuff I brought home with me. 

This evening I went to our soulless and dismal local retail park to help out Junior by collecting medication for him. As these things go, it was painless. It was ready. I did not have to queue. The person who served me was friendly, helpful and efficient. 

I left in a state of shock... but not too shocked to remember I still needed a Blip.

January is almost over. Same with Monday. 

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