And sometimes I get nervous
What a day!
I forgot my phone
I couldn't even tell himself where it was: I was sure I had left it in my bag
He found it. I was just about to leave when one of my colleagues said she was on her way and she could collect it
I got himself to give me my two factor authentication and I was able to get to work
Auditors arrived and I put them in the new room - the one I booked was superceded by the Big Boss.
They couldn't log into the WiFi. The IT department were unable to help me. I headed back to the auditor and took them back to the main room apologising and telling them I could move them back as soon as WiFi was sorted
I went downstair. US auditor required files .... alternate auditor requested the biggest pile of information
I took a deep breath and walked out the door. And walked round the whole building and then sat down and started again
It was one thirty before I realised. Four questions from my auditors and two teams meetings and several enquiries from other offices meant I hadn't lifted my head. I ate my sandwich straight from my bag.
Chicken spread!!+ Yes. Chicken spread amazing
Quarter to five. my mate text me from his office next door and said 'some sky'
I turned and went. 'wow'
Then I got called into another team meeting and I tried to take a photo while I'm sat but it was all reflections (see extra). So I text Himself and said ' get a photo of that sky for me'
And he did
That meeting went on til seven pm
I am knackered
Ps. Himself was taking the photo looking south west. I took my photo facing north west four mile south
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