Quick fix

I parked close to the village and walked down for some fresh air, a wee bit of exercise, and a blip. It was very mild, 11C, foggy in places, but not raining.  I saw this couple standing on the dock and caught her fixing his collar. They were waiting for the ferry to come in to and were travelling to Vancouver Island.  The MonoMonday theme is 'travelling', and I thought this worked for it. Thanks to steveng for hosting this month.
I was taking a photo in the ferry parking lot and a young man came along and asked me what I was shooting with. His question started a really enjoyable conversation about cameras and photography, how we post process images, our preference of programs and apps, different techniques, subjects that we most enjoy for making photos. He still shoots film as well as digital, and we talked about the pros and cons of each. We talked for about 20 minutes. A real highlight in my day. I love unexpected interactions with strangers like that.
Extra: Made me think of the song 'Smoke on the Water', one of the first songs I learned how to play on the guitar. Wonder if I can still play it. 

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