Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

High up on the mountain

Well bean bag. 

Found her looking very snug and really didn't want to disturb her but I needed to finishing changing the bed. 

Beavers day today and as it's easier for me to stay each week (by the time I've walked home, had a cup of tea which I can't really settle to drink because I know I need to leave again it's well time to leave again to collect him and well believe it or not it's more restful staying and helping) I have asked to be a parent volunteer. The group has grown since Arthur started and I think they are happy to have an extra pair of hands, especially as I do get stuck in helping, getting messy and even join on the games sometimes. So I now have a beavers name, I am Fox :) 

I just need to complete the forms and all that (once they have got them to me). Technically i am sure I still have a valid DBS but I know it's almost expired, so an update won't be an issue. Plus there will be a little bit of training that I need to do (safeguarding that sort of thing) but as I used to volunteer at the children's centre it will mostly be an update/refresher for me. And they get the added bonus that I am a qualified first aider, so I will make sure they get a copy of my certificate for that. 

I'm pretty excited to be helping I really do enjoy it even if the noise can be a little bit much. But the children are all great.

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