The repetitive life of a cormorant

Going to be at just before 9pm was always going to mean an early start, and so I was up and at the computer before 7. At 9, I went to make a second cup of coffee and realised I had run out – so I put on my shoes and wandered to the “Super Estrella” convenience store. Which was closed. What is the point of a convenience store if it isn’t open? That is, you know, slightly inconvenient. So, I walked down to the main supermarket in El Zoco and bought some there. You don’t get this level of sparkling prose elsewhere, you know!

Went for a few shorter walks. The joints are sore – but at least they are not seizing up like they do in Ottawa. I stopped and watched a group of cormorants perching on a rock. Every now and again, a big wave would come and cover them. Then they’d fly up in the air for a couple of seconds, before settling down in exactly the same place.

All in all, this was a work day – or it would have been of I could settle. I am increasingly irritated by the large gaps in my blips, so mid-afternoon, I sat down and went through my photos for December, and filled in the big Blip Gap called December. It was 10 o’clock by the time I’d finished, although admittedly, I did other things too. Let that be an incentive to me to not miss large swathes of my life out. Or become less OCD. Or something. But at least I am not a cormorant.

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