
Well, I don’t belieeeeeeve it! There I was, just giving Smithers one of his regular eye drops, when I straightened up, looked out of the window, and there, right in front of me, sitting on the bird table was … a wren. And I mean a real wren, not my specially gifted metal wren from a fellow blipper. Of course, my movement startled it away, but it was a definite sighting of a tiny little brown bird with a cute, sticking-up tail.

I see a wren in my garden no more than once every year or two, so you can imagine how excited I was. I spent some time thereafter in the kitchen and family room scouring the garden through the window, camera in hand, to try and get a shot of it, to no avail.  I did wonder if it had spotted my special permanent visitor and had come to see if it might be a suitable mate …

There were lots of other photos I could have uploaded today, but I will save their subjects for another time. Today it has to be a reconstruction of the main event!

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