Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Stopping by for a drink

These cedar waxwings came through yesterday afternoon.  I happened to look out as I saw some motion out of the corner of my eye and I immediately start chanting "please don't go!"   They did leave the birdbath but flew up in the bare hickory tree.

Made my day really special!  Another photo on the wrong date but I just had to share these beauties.   The portraits are the same bird but there were actually four of them.  

Today I did a long walk with some friends.  We were going to walk from about 9:30 to noon but ended up walking until 1:30 and managed to get in 9 miles!    We were almost regretting the extra time but we were proud of the extra miles.    My total walking miles for January is at 27 plus since I did not add in all the little one mile walks I did.   When the heat and humidity starts in May this will not be happening!   

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