Hale village and Hale Head

I met up with my geocaching pals, Margaret and Ian for a triangular geocaching walk in Hale. It's a lovely village with quite a lot of interest, some pretty buildings, lovely views and history. The main photo is of the statue of John Middleton, Childe of Hale, who was a giant; allegedly 9ft 3inches and worked as a bodyguard for the Sheriff of Lancashire.
We picked a good day for this geocaching walk as the sun was shining. We parked up in Church Road, by the church and did a cache in the village before walking a triangular route of caches. We headed down Within Way, finding some caches en route, to the path which leads down to the River Mersey. 
At the end, the path turns right to go along the river, with some great views. There are benches if you need to stop for a rest. We reached Hale Head Lighthouse at a good time - we needed to get there when it wasn't high tide or we'd not have been able to find the answers to log the Earthcache there. The extra photo is of me on the beach of the River Mersey, with the lighthouse behind. This is the most southerly point in Lancashire.
After sorting out the answers for the Earthcache and taking some photos, we scrambled back up to the path and headed up Lighthouse Road to return to the village and find another cache.
Back at the cars we changed wellies for shoes and sat on the bench opposite with our flasks. 
It was a good day.

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