Tales, tails, and bow ties

Weather report: An 'orrible v. cold and grismal day 
Rufus report: activities included being chased by a smaller but nippier dog who snapped at his tail.  Rufus wasn't a fan of this behavior and high tailed it out of the park - fortunately, being a sensible lad he waited at the end of the path for me, but it gave us both a bit of a moment.... We returned to the green where some squirrel hunting ensued until I couldn't take the cold any more.

My activities included making bow ties and faces for some of the knitted toys I made last Spring and left here when I went back to Turkey. Destined to raise money for CoDA* - not sure how. I am considering the idea of trying to sell on Etsy here in the UK (rather than taking them back to Turkey). Don't know if that would work - if any handicrafters out there have any thoughts on this please let me know as I hadn't even heard of Etsy until 48 hours ago.....

It was a nice evening - bro Gareth, nephew William, niece Maddy, and her b/f Harry all came to dinner. I enjoyed having a house full and feeding these hungry young people - well, bro ain't young, but his capacity rivals those who are, as we ploughed through sausages (vegetarian) and a mountain of mash and peas, followed by bread and butter pudding - proper English winter carbs.  

Rufus had an extra long 9.30 walk tonight :)

*CoDA: charity in Didim, Turkey, taking Care of Didim street and ownerless  Animals

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