Good deed for the day

A couple of days ago, Ann's friend, Susi, tripped over and hurt her foot. She can only hobble around her house at the moment, so Ann said for my morning walk, we would go and get her newspaper voucher, go to the shop, get her newspaper, etc and then deliver it back to her. So that is what we did.

It takes about half an hour to walk to Susi's house and half an hour to walk back, so that was a very nice walk that I had this morning, especially as I had my afternoon walk in torrential wind and rain. I always know when I'm going to Susi's house because I start pulling on my lead as soon as we get into her street. I normally go zooming into her house and go straight into the kitchen because I know that, that is where the cat food is. Unfortunately for me, if Susi knows that I'm coming she puts the cat food on a high up place that I can't reach. Booohoooo. I never see the cats either, because Freddie is always playing outside and as soon as Missy hears the buzzer, she runs away and hides under the bed. Not that I would chase the cats anyway because I'm a bit scared of them.

We went to Sainsbury's to get Susi's newspaper and I had to be tied up next to the bikes. I always sit ever so nicely if Ann goes into a shop, but she's always a bit worried about leaving me outside by myself in case someone steals me. Fortunately all the self-service check-outs are right by the window, and how long does it take to buy a newspaper?.................... Longer than you would think. Lol! Because Ann had a voucher for the newspaper, she had to go to a proper check-out and as is usual (in Edinburgh), there was not a real live person in sight so Ann had to go searching for one. There's just no personal service these days is there? My human could rant about this forever, but she won't because she's going out tonight and needs to get herself glammed up!!!

Anyway, we delivered the bits & bobs back to Susi. Good deed done and as a reward, Ann got a cup of coffee and a bacon roll. And I got some out of date dog treats. Yum!!!

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