Top of the pine

It’s been a strange day.  

This morning the roads seemed to be crammed with bad drivers, including one minor accident caused by someone driving too fast round a big roundabout and thinking they could just squeeze through a gap, but couldn’t.  The other person didn’t stand a chance of avoiding the inevitable, and we couldn’t act as witnesses because we weren’t going that way.

This afternoon I headed on what should have been a twelve minute round trip to the postbox, which took an hour.  I stopped to chat to a chap up the road who breeds labradors and trains them as gun dogs.  

On my way back I was caught by a lovely chap from the village who is on the conservation group and has recently stepped down from the parish council due to a disagreement with plans for Bromham Mill.  That was a very long, but interesting one way conversation about the way they are pouring money into a big new project without either a business or marketing plan, although planning permission has been granted.  Needless to say I didn’t understand all the legalities, although I do know who will pick up the bill if the council goes bankrupt.

This was all I was capable of after all that. 

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