Cluster of Catkins

I worked from home today, so started my day with a walk.  I wasn’t sure what I would find when I got back home, but BB was up and dressed and getting ready for school – and of course for leaving the house for the first time in over a week!  He looked dreadful, but he was determined to give it a go, so all credit to him. 
I spent all morning half expecting a call from him to pick him up from school, but when I hadn’t heard by lunchtime I reckoned he would last the day – and he did.  However he was worn out when he appeared home and looked totally done in.  He took up residence on the sofa.
Work felt quiet today, which is very unusual, and took bad that I wasn’t having to work at pace as is the norm.  I even took the opportunity to log off a little early.
I made a mackerel salad concoction for tea.  BB was definitely not up to football training, so we had a quiet evening.  I did pop out for a few steps and it was a wee bit damp.  Later I watched The Crown.  I have just started watching the most recent series – but only because I have watched all the others and it is easy viewing
I spotted this cluster of catkins at lunchtime.

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