Pink Twinkles

By Pinktwinkles

Wedding Hotel

Kory (4) has recently been looking at my wedding photos and asking lots of questions about when, where, who was there, why he wasn't invited. You know the kind of thing!

Well today I was heading to Sainsbury's and decided to go a bit beyond it and up to the Norwood Hall Hotel where we had our ceremony in the gardens and the meal and reception inside in the evening.

Kory was really pleased to see things from the photos, like where Mummy had a photo taken with LOADS of men in kilts (yum yum!) and the V shaped tree there is a photo of Mummy & Daddy kissing between.

Despite it being close by, I've not been in since we went for our first anniversary meal there. Which is about 5 years ago. Doesn't time fly!

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