
Charlie with a twitch
in her tail, spring in her step

And full of cheekiness!

(she refused to look at me - typical cheeky cat) :)

I went out to put the bins away, and she followed me out and decided to lie in the road (luckily its a close, but the delivery vans come in so fast sometimes)!

Anyway after a while I came in and went to get a treat for her and she followed me in thankfully :)

Good news today as I have another interview via teams on Monday afternoon.  Not to raise my hopes too high but its a very similar role to the one I left last July...

I wish I'd got up and gone out today, its such a lovely day - but I had a bad night and have been awake since 4am, so didn't really feel like driving anyway - its the only chance I had this week too!

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