
By RadioGirl

A Lovely Greeting

Up at 7 o’clock to go to church this morning, and I was greeted with this pretty dawn sky. During the service our Rector spoke about making people feel welcome and the value of accepting other people’s hospitality when it is offered. I have been to churches in the past where nobody spoke to me and I felt like an outsider, but at St Luke’s we do make every effort to introduce ourselves to new people, invite them to join us for tea or coffee and include them in the conversation. Thursdays are particularly friendly and enjoyable, and today dear Charlie treated everyone to their coffee and cake in celebration of his 90th birthday, which is tomorrow. I hope he has a lovely day, including lunch with his family at a favourite local restaurant.

I found my signed photo of wartime radio star Tommy Handley, which I wrote about in yesterday’s Blip, so I’ve included it today as an Extra below.

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