oh what a beautiful morning....

The cacophony that the community of sparrows was making resembled, exceeded even, the noise of a class of year seven kids in the classroom after morning break but before the teacher arrives. The little birds' tumultuous banter was so loud that I was not the only passer by to stop and wonder what was going on. Maybe it was just a celebratory chorus at this unexpected sun bright blue sky day to welcome February and the promise of Spring.  Or maybe, they were just gossiping about Rufus who, several feet below but in the same shrubbery, was on his daily squirrel hunt. Either way, several out post wardens, such as the little chap in today's pic, sat and sang their joyous news and opinions to any and all with the time and inclination to listen, of whom, for several minutes, I was one.

In less poetic voice, after a sleepless night, I woke late to this wonderful day, so devoted much of it to a prolonged walk with the woofer after which it was sufficiently warm and sunny for he and I to sit in the garden for our post perambulatory snacks. What was left of the afternoon and evening was spent pottering, knitting, watching West Wing and messing about with living room furniture as I contemplate relocating the various audio visual entertainment devices having now unboxed the new, and rather splendid (large) TV that was delivered Monday. 

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