
Sport massage first thing. Walked there and back. Whilst havin*a coffee we decided to go to Apple at Kingston. I needed some stuff taking off my computer and decided to buy a new one. Alan needed a new iPad . This all started because we couldn’t find a cd player in the house and my one for the computer didn’t work. We haven’t done the sums but a lot of money later we went home having been in Apple Store for several hours. We decided to get Apple to transfer the data from old computer to new one. I pick it up in the morning
Yesterday I picked up my new glasses and now I can see again. I may be able to have 5he cataract done in 6 months if it impacts my lifestyle. Already I won’t drive at night. It will be done at a private clinic on the NHS I hope. I need to go back to get the glasses altered slightly as they are hurting my ears.
And I made an appointment for next week. We have decided it is time to let Jasper go. He is struggling in many ways and has taken to not eating in th3 evenings. We can’t watch him determinate any more and are pretty sure he is in pain at times .

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