Seasalter Levels

We’ve walked many times into Whitstable along the shore to Tankerton and back over the years.

Today, given the sparking day, we parked much further west along the Seasalter Road and walked along the seawall towards Whitstable passing next to the newly created Seasalter Levels.

Once just grassland this area is being turned into a lowland wetland area with scrapes, pools and ditches creating a watery ecosystem:

There were plenty of birds on the wetlands and coast including sanderlings, dunlin, various ducks, oystercatchers and curlew with their rock bubbling cry.

We had lunch sitting in a sheltered location in the harbour in full sun before visiting the Hotel Continental for a coffee.

While sitting eating lunch Susan discovered she’d lost a glove somewhere on the walk out. We’d almost given up hope of finding it on the return journey but there it was, lying on the path. Hurrah. We did think we’d found it earlier but it was a different orphan glove.

This evening we participated in the second People, Planet Pint events where there was more discussion about the environmental crises that the world is facing and what we, as individuals, can do about it:

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