Thursday and we woke to glorious really does make such a difference to life. I really wish I was able to get shoes on but it won't be long now (I hope) and then I can get out into the garden and enjoy sunny days like this. I did notice that my crocus seem to be coming out at the end of the garden.. can't wait to go and see them up close.
I have started a third batch of marmalade.. finally my foot was ok enough to stand or sit while I cut up and cooked up the peel.. I still need to boil it with the sugar and that will have to wait till tomorrow now.
We have a new fridge (replacement) arriving tomorrow. So this evening has been prizing it out of the space it fitted into and having it freestanding at the far side of the kitchen. Once the new one has settled in (hope it fits as the spec says it is 1mm too wide for the space.. we will see) We found 4 paper stars below the old fridge.. I am sure little Jasper will be pleased to see them when she next comes to stay!
We have given the old fridge to a niece.. lucky girl!! so once the new fridge is settled in I will empty our one and give it a good clean out and she will over to collect it on Sunday before the rugby starts!!
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