
What a day!

Woke to a voicemail from dad’s wife K during the night asking me to call. Dads been coughing up blood and violently sick during the night and is in the back of an ambulance about to head to the Western General.

I picked K up and we went through afterwards and met dad in the surgical assessment ward where we got lots of different information. Turns out it was caused by a massive hernia which keeps popping out. They managed to get it back in but it kept popping out!

Only solution was surgery. They were reluctant to give general anaesthetic due to COPD and lung infection so likely spinal anaesthetic. Doctor, then Consultant then anaesthetist all came down to carefully explain risks and sign consent forms only for surgeon to veto it all and sleep on it.

I took K and my sister back in the evening and we was in the ward but not looking great. Poor man.

I missed a school event that MrsT and L attended which was a careers night and also missed my French class. Some things are more important.

We’ll head back into the hospital in the morning.

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