
We had sunshine today, after a damp start to the day, and it's supposed to continue for the entire next week.  Dialysis went as usual and afterward I had to go to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription.  Realizing that I wasn't going to make it home without a pit stop, I went to Central Market and then, foolishly forgetting that I hadn't eaten much since breakfast, wandered the store until my blood sugar suddenly plunged and I was very weak.  I found some sweet things I could eat quickly, which helped but of course I'm not supposed to eat them.  I had some food in the car, but I hadn't eaten it because I didn't realize I was in low-sugar danger.  Clearly some things will have to live in the walker and my purse.

Tomorrow I'm going out to buy some shoes I can wear in wet weather.  The leather shoes I've been using are old, heavy and clunky, and I just can't go on wearing them.  In fact, I just threw them away.  I'm hoping to get some lightweight shoes that are water-resistant.

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