Ink painting

Wildlife nighttime video
A stormy night - Skinny Fox & Cat Chunky Marmalade & Foxy Loxy & Cat Jade & Badgers
1min 38secs

Creative...I found a Bic roller pen, among my pens, which responded well to the water brush. Here is my first attempt with this pen...
I think I like it.

A cuppa tea, then a little drive calls.

Fingers crossed.
I had found in settings a diagram of the car (this is on a touchscreen, large iPad sized), where all the safety features of the car were, and it was not obvious at all to touch each of those features on the car diagram, where on doing so, a whole new menu for each one sprung up. I had been going down the traditional type menu in settings (which is on the left side of this car diagram, and I assumed the car diagram was just information) and that traditional type menu was very limited in what it allowed you to do and various things greyed out and so were inactive but they were active on the menu that sprung up with touching each different area of the car diagram...
In NONE of the car forums does anyone mention you can do this, touch the diagram for a whole new menu for each feature to spring up, they just give you the traditional type settings menu - go into such and such, scroll down to such and such, click the right arrow etc.

Right, now to test what I have done.
I am apprehensive...I want to believe....

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