TaTs - dawg & stuff

By tinksandtonks

02/02/2024_More thinking back

We met Jen and Lola in 2013 when we started dog training classes.  Lola was a 3 year old rescued Jack Russell/Chihuahua cross who had been difficult to place.

The last time we met was October 2019 – another meeting was scheduled for February 2020 but “rain stopped play” and then covid arrived.
Jen has had a bad few years including a recent hip replacement but today we managed a couple of hours together – a gentle walk and coffee and cake.
The best bit was perhaps when Lola first saw Kassie – apparently, she has stopped barking but happiness got the better of her and she gave a couple of short woofs.
The extra is a dog that apparently comes to Fradley Junction regularly but has to have his bed to sit on.

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