Standing firm.

Every morning I cycle along to this bridge and there are around 12 seagulls standing there. They normally fly off on my approach but this wee chap held strong. 

It's been a day, that's for sure. 

I would day I'm looking forward to my bed but this cough is driving me insane. 

The jedi has just helped with the banana wolf. Yip that's what it's called. Lincoln couldn't speak well when he was young because he couldn't hear for nearly the first year of his life. And when he did start talking he called this banana wolf. 

Grandad is back in hospital.  He went last night from bleeding again.  His BP was only 80/60 and after fluids they sent him home. Can you believe it. Anyway he had to be admitted earlier. He's on a drip and they have bloods waiting in the fridge for a transfusion.  

I've not had time for blip today. I haven't even had lunch. And I'm beyond chasing my tail. 

Happy Friday 

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