Inappropriate behaviour

I've been a very naughty little Collie pup today. Do you want to know what I've done?..................

This morning we popped down to 'Rose Street Cafe' to meet our friend, Kay, for breakfast. I had a little pep talk before we went. I was told I was only going because Kay really likes me and she hasn't seen me for ages. I was told that when I was in the cafe, I had to be in 'good dog mode' and just lie quietly under the table.

I ignored what I was told?! When we got to the cafe, Kay was already there, and I did a lot of silly puppy jumping up at her. The middle aged women girls ordered their breakfasts. Ann had a full Scottish breakfast and Kay had a full English breakfast. Yum! 

If anyone is interested................. the difference between a Scottish & English breakfast is...................... Ann had a potato scone & haggis with hers and Kay had hash browns and black pudding.

Anyway, I lay sensibly under the table for a bit and then I decided that if I popped my head up on the table, Kay might give me some tasty treats. Obviously I didn't bother pestering Ann for little titbits because I knew that she would be feeding all of her Scottish breakfast into her tummy! Kay gave me two big bits of bacon. How nice was that? Ann wasn't too happy about my bad behaviour though.

After breakfast, we had a little walk through 'Prince's Street Gardens' with Kay, and then she went off to do things, so we walked all the way to Portobello to see our friend, Iain.

By the time we got to Iain's it was about 1.30pm (but Iain hadn't even had breakfast, let alone lunch). We went to the 'Harbour Cafe' in Musselburgh. 

Obviously I had to have another little pep talk about how I should behave.
I ignored what I was told...................... I've been a very naughty little Collie pup today.

Ann only had a coffee because she was still full from her big breakfast, but Iain had a salami, pesto & mozzarella panini. It smelt absolutely delicious so I tried popping my head up on the table next to him so he would give me little titbits. Ann told him not to feed me. Booohoooo. She said Salami would be too spicy for me and she didn't want me to be sick on the bus home?!!!

I liked it in the 'Harbour Cafe' though, because the waitress gave me two dog biscuits and made a huge fuss of me. Yay!

I had a short play on Musselburgh beach and then because Iain wanted to go to Morrison's, he dropped us off there, and we jumped on a no. 45 bus and came home.

It sounds like the wind is really getting up now, but we're not planning on going out again until it's time for my bedtime wee. I've gobbled up my dinner and am now lying flaked out in my bed. Ann's just about to pour herself a glass of wine.

Happy Friday Evening Blippers. Xxxxx

PS – Not sure if we're going to stick with our plan of walking 20,000 steps a day in February, but my human hasn't got much else to do atm so maybe we will. Two days in and we're well on target. Lol!!!

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