Walking down the steps

I had a bit of one of my philosophical moments this morning as I was walking up to work..

I was just thinking of how everything is interconnected and how just the one little thing can trigger lots of different situations. For example, in our body, everything seems to be connected to our brains. It's amazing how just a little misfunction in your brain can ultimately change your whole life. The little misfunction may have been accidental or inflicted by yourself but the consequences are bigger. Our words, our actions, our thoughts, our environment, everything we consume, we see, we believe in... all interconnected within us and around us. This is why I do agree that a healthy mind helps having a healthy body and viceversa.

In the same way, one little wrong action, a word uttered at the wrong moment in the wrong place, a misinterpretation, a half uttered sentence taken out of context... all of them can potentially result in a disastrous situation, due to all these million connections...

Just a random thought I find really difficult to put into words, but I hope it makes sense! :)

Day spend with lots of tourists at work. Same old, same old..

The washing machine wasn't delivered in the end.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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