Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Chin up

i was very busy today. Managed to keep my energy levels up ‘though. Like Sid here. His full name is name is Sid Cupp. He is my outre ego, a man who knows no bounds. Apart from the fact that he can’t go anywhere on his own. Like Humphrey in Ghosts if you’ve ever seen it.

Gatwick again today, picking up Strider who has been in Vienna.  Had a great time. He did in Austria I mean, not me in Gatwick. I don’t much care for airports. They're just human processing factories. Unlike train stations which are romantic. Apart from Sydenham Station which is not romantic. Actually the only romantic ones are London terminals now I come to think of it. And then only when they are in black and white with steam trains.

Like Sid, things are a bit up in the air tonight. Mmmmm …

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