
The highlight of the biggest event of the year in Mourão, is the firework display at the end of the procession through the streets of Our Lady of Light - you can see her in the door of the church. It was even bigger and better this year, with laser lights spelling out her name and image, and thanking us all for our presence at the end.

But realised this year, that the best thing for most folk is the return to Mourão of all those who have moved away. The grandparents showing off their grandkids, all of them dressed up to the nines; rich elderly folk in furs and the grand Alentejano capes; teenagers wearing not much, surreptitiously (or not) eyeing each other up; kisses and hugs everywhere (even with us), so much excitement and energy. 

Very quiet walking home afterwards, down our dark lane, with the stars bright overhead, and the castle changing colours, silently now, above us.

As for our visit to the Transport place in Évora, they thought it was amusing that we'd think the document would have arrived already (usually takes about four days to get to Manchester, and this is an hour down the road!), and told us to make a new appointment for next Friday. Sigh.

- the most gorgeous morning, again
- Ermelinda lending us her car to go to Évora
- being greeted by so many, making us feel like we belong a bit

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