63 F/17 C

It was a morning
out to paint with a friend, then
lunch and a visit


I was at the grocery store at 6 to start my day. My list was short and so I was home again before 7. After coffee and granola, I was off again to paint with a friend at Martha's Gardens. After the grim day we had yesterday, we were grateful for the sunny skies today. 

I was pleased to note that there was a new sign over their building. The former sign had faded badly in the Arizona sunshine. 

We set ourselves up near the entrance to their building. We were surrounded by date palms and a lovely patio with a fountain. At noon we tucked our painting equipment away and made for lunch inside the building. Soon, we were joined by a mutual friend for a lovely chat. 

Time flies by so fast when one is in good company. I was grateful to have time with these ladies, who themselves are very busy. I hope we can do it again soon. 

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