Ahm gonna jump that train
My mojo got on a train tonight.
Just about 8.20 ... forgive me but Eastenders was on, and I was sucked into its gloom, despair, despondency and yellow people. Yes, yellow people. "Why are you that colour Lauren".
Well, she had either had liver failure, or whoever does her fake tan REALLY screwed up.
And now, Eastenders has robbed me of my mojo. I'm sad, depressed and am looking at my skin, and then the bottle of Jack Daniels, and wondering if I should risk one... or will I turn Tinky Winky Yellow too?
On a funnier note, Tooli's continuing lessons in Bar Work...
"People keep asking me for this drink "Tommo Thomson", or maybe it is "Harry Harrison". I have no idea what it is. I give them a measure, but I've no idea what it is.
Me: "Makers Mark?"
Tooli : Yeah...... how did you know that?
I love, love, love, that my daughter is not and probably never will be yellow.
Although Si is, but that has nothing do to with dodgy liver.
There, see, That cheered me up.
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