
Don't look too closely as it's not that sharp, but it had to be my blip today. I thought I saw a wren in the garden the other day but wasn't sure. No doubt about it today. I had the macro lens on as I was trying to photograph some expired roses in the kitchen but happened to glance out of the window and there she (?) was. I only got four shots, this was the best.

I like the wren entry in the Observer's Book Of Birds (bought ages ago at a NT second hand book shop, previously owned by Penelope Anne Thomas). The song is clear and sweet, and full of penetrating and jubilant trills. I must listen out for it.

Highlight of the day - the Sainsbury's man coming at 9am instead of the scheduled 11am. To be fair he did phone first to check it was OK.

This may be superseded if Pompey win - currently 2-0 up after only 25 minutes - and other results stay the same. The other top sides are losing or drawing. Long way to go though.

One year ago:
Rococo Flowers
An enjoyable blipmeet.

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