Overdue chores

The weather over the winter has been such that a fair number of regular outdoor chores haven't been done when they should have been.  

One of those is the drying and cutting of wood for the stove in what we call the byre - our living room , for the evenings at least, which used to be the actual  byre before we converted it twenty five years ago and which still has, below the wooden floor, the old concrete troughs. 

The wood that is dry and ready to use  is at the back of this shot, and what is  now starting to dry  is at the front.   There is a great deal more outside which we need to bring in so that we can build up a better supply for next winter , but at least today we tidied it all up, did a bit of cutting and got rid of the inevitable building up of boxes and other rubbish which happens when you have sheds to handily within reach. . 

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