Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky

We did all the usual today. 

Cats Out at unbelievable o'clock. 

Saturday Kitchen with a cup of coffee. 


Look at the sea. 

I love Looking at the sea.  

Today it was spectacular.    

The sun was shining but there were big black clouds.   The sea was not dark and brooding, the sea was blue and green and silver and alive it was beautiful. 

It's so restorative to just sit and stare. 

I did a bit more work on my Wicker Tray, I'm not there yet, but I'm getting there. 

and then I had to nap.   I   was exhausted. 

But Boy phoned.  

Have you seen the little keyrings for sale on media.  -  "Stop doing stupid things, Love Mum"   

I  had been tempted to buy it after New Year and the Skipping the Burny rope.   

Tonight, he was riding pillion on a motorbike, through Bangkok WHILE HE WAS PHONING ME.  No Helmet.   

Also horrified at the moment because Jess sent us a video of her Motorcyclist watching K-pop videos on YouTube, WHILE HE WAS DRIVING. 

That key ring is on the way. 

PS Thank you for your kind words on my 14 years yesterday

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