RD at Maldon Prom parkrun & racing Gig Row

Such a lovely day for a run at beautiful Maldon Prom.  So many thankful parkrunners made my job an absolute pleasure this morning.  Several noteworthy moments including: a full roster by Wednesday, over 430 participants  inncluding at least 25 parkwalkers, a lovely chat with an inspirational first lady, countless 'thank you marshal' comments from the parkrunners, at least 25 new parkrunners since early December all approaching their 10th parkrun, the 3rd cousin of David Attenborough running his 100th parkrun, a lovely tourist volunteering to barcode scan, and results processed and uploaded to HQ before 10 am. 

Then a tasty breakfast at Sofie's followed by the saga of my missing glove.

Then return home for the exciting England v Italy 6 Nations game. The final result was a true reflection of the game.

Then out for a thrilling Gig Row with the racing team. F was Cox, and when we were rowing fast she managed to persuade us to go even faster. Such a joy. Afterwards a drink in the Little Ship where I was encouraged to watch the races next Sunday. 

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