Watch Me!
M is isolating the new watch she got so she can text or call her parents or a few others of us in emergencies. It’s very limited but they can track her too. Z already has one and normally M would have had to wait til next year, but this new routine where both kids are being shuttled around to temporary schools made this now more if a good safety necessity.
Temporary fixes by a journeyman plumber who could work with pex al pex piping fixed the worst leak yesterday. More to mend temporarily Monday but at least they can live in part of their home now. Z’s room was being demoed today. And comments only , their other grandma, could move back into her side. Lots of restoration on both kids bedrooms must be down — walls and flooring, painting etc. Carpets
So it’s still a long haul but at least they can get back into their home. Repiping will need to be done on part of their home too.
Baby steps!!
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