
By Cully

Mr & Mrs Bones

You could say that this bride is my oldest friend. We were born on the same day in the same ward and our Mothers spoke that day so we probably graced each others presence without really knowing. Anyway we met again in nursery at the age of three, went through primary and secondary school together only losing touch at college. We were bought back together when another mutual old friend invited us to her wedding, 5 years ago. We have remained friends ever since, only meeting up probably three times a year but it always good to catch up and reminise about our school days and gossip about others from school with the help of facebook!

Today with Laura being the bride and sitting at the top table, me and Kate reminised without her. After a fair few glasses of champagne we were reciting, in poor welsh accents, words from Under Milk Wood, a play that all three of us were to narrate for our year six leaving play. Unfortunately we never got to do the play as our teacher died of a heart attack just weeks before the play. We were all pretty cut up about it and so the play was thought to be in bad taste as it involved a homemade wooden coffin.

This is for you Mr Turner, you were a great man - "The houses were as blind as moles or as blind as Captain Cat, for all the people of the lulled and muffled town are sleeping now"

We vowed to find out when the time capsule was to be re-earthed that we left in a brick wall at the primary school and go back to watch, if we hadn't already missed it.

Anyway, the bride looked beautiful even at the end despite being very drunk, we had lovely food and drink and it was a great day, lets just hope mine can compete!

Thank you Mr and Mrs Bones x

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