
By ishaan03

Short circuit

At 5 am IST, the space heater in my parent’s room caught fire. My father burned his hand whilst trying to turn off the electric switch. The sofa along with the curtains and the wall burnt down. My dad threw water over the sofa and also burnt his leg a bit. My mother’s clothes that were burnt on the sofa also burnt a fair bit. My sister informed me of all of this at 5 am UK time and I only was able to speak to her at 10 am UK time because I was asleep. I am so grateful that no one was hurt. Thank goodness. My dad and my sister say that it’s someone evil energy that has affected them. This coincides with the timing of a sexist relative who is disrespectful wanting to visit.

I have been praying for my family’s safety and health.

I’ll spend my afternoon going for Bhangra at Pleasance, and then doing a hair wash and having early tea.

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