
By Marionb

Behold, the Sun!

Elaine, my sunrise spotter who walks her dog before sunrise every day, sent a text again this morning letting know there was promise in "that thar" sky...and that it just might be worth a trip to the lake...and so it was.

It was really cold again, but having a double layer of mittens on this time, I was  encouraged to linger long enough to witness the entire show. Yesterday, I made the mistake of heading home too early and while at the library checking out the scarf project, noticed that I had missed an absolutely fabulous after-sunrise explosion of colour!  

Lesson learned.

This time, despite the cold, I hung around longer; I had already captured lots of images I liked, but yes, my favourite was the one I took after the sun was well up above the horizon...

Although the sun hung around most of the day, I didn't get out again to enjoy it as, instead, I forced myself to sit down and finish my 2023 photo yearbook, something I would normally have completed a month ago! What a sense of relief to finally send it off to be printed..and make the deadline for a 20& discount! 

After that, I set up my 2024 photo library, as well as my 2024 photo book project and  and promised myself that this year, I will keep it up-to-date and avoid this last-minute fiasco! Best intentions and all that...

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