a new year!

By Thesalh70

2 weeks to go...

Slept like a log, which after 4 1/2 hours sleep the night before wasn't a surprise. Enough time for a walk on the park with pete, but it felt more like autumn than mid summer.

A good journey into work and a busy Monday ahead. Each day is busy and now even more so with just 9 working days left and lots to cram in.

A good morning and then on a mission at lunch. Got the photos of aunts dog done at the newly reopened Jessops (wonderful news!) plus shopped for holiday toiletries! Am on it!

Busy afternoon and good meetings. Left at about 6 as going straight to hospital to visit Aunty. She seems to have improved quite a lot since I saw her on Thursday. She broke the news to me that Rafa is out of Wimbledon!

Home by 8.15, and a late dinner for both me and pete. Seem to have a summer cold and felt shocking late afternoon onwards. I last had a summer cold a couple of years ago just before Majorca, hope this is gone by then.

Worked a bit tonight and then bedtime.

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