Had to sweat to buy you

We went on an excursion to find me a pair of snippers which would snip the wicker of my catonlian stress tray 

The secateurs were making a mess of my wicker. This little snippers weren't strong enough to break through 

We drove all the way to hobby craft in awful weather.  We passed eight police cars.  No idea what was going on 

Hobbycraft didn't have any bigger than the ones I had.  I did get card.  Pens and a chain. Himself got jars. So not a total waste.  Hobby craft never had blotting paper either.  Weird eh!?  They did have a pile of shit tho. Just not shit I wanted to buy 

We set off again going against the gps and when. She realised what we were doing she corrected herself.  

We stopped off in BQ and we did get me snippers.  Himself eyed up the circular saws.  If I ever disappear from here. Tell the police. He had a big saw. (he hasnt got one yet. But I have my suspicions). Especially after I tweaked his toe.... In affection before I realised what I had done..... I forgot about the no nails. 


Then we went to the Range (or is it Orange). And I got calligraphy paper which may suffice and also Aero chocolate balls. 


Oh also. A new bird feeder and suet.

Weather has turned again and I think everything may blow away tonight. 

I'm so glad I feel rested after the weekend.  I have another week of auditors and 101 questions by my boss.  But I feel rested and ready to deal!

Come and get me work week.  I have snippers and I know how to use them 

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