Going home . . .
An early start as four of us from the camera club headed off to Exeter for a Western Counties Photographic Competition. I can't recall exactly but around 47 clubs took part; many of whom have many members - some up to 100...... We have 30 paid up members at present so when we heard we came 7th overall we were delighted. One of our club got a Highly Commended for his image which was fabulous. I'm pleased that all three of my images held up getting 12/15, so they did not let the side down!
I took one snap - as we were coming into Barnstaple the sky was pinkish - so a quick blip for a record of the day!
Made a quick call to South Africa to see how my sister had been - she's bored but relaxing in hospital, waiting to see if the operation can take place in the next few days. She was very grateful that friend Rose has been in to visit so she had someone to natter with - and Rose brought some more books for her to read.
I'll be in bed early tonight I am sure!
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