Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

It’s in the detail

A good relationship is made up of lots of little things as well as one or two big things. With TSM away I have become very aware of all her little traits, summarised in this photograph, which make me smile. The unfinished tea. The discarded paperwork. The vitamins. The cosmetics. The childhood doll.

Anyway we got up at 5am and went to Gatwick and all went well although apparently she left her iPad in security and had to dash back for it. We chatted on WhatsApp when she was in transit in Doha and I will next get to speak to her in Melbourne in about 13 hours time.

Watched The Creator this afternoon which started well then turned into a fairly standard Star Wars type movie with the rebels fighting back against the evil empire. Waste of a good actor in John Denzil Washington. Alison Janney from The West Wing made a very hissable villain - nice performance from her. Overall a bit disappointing. 

Had a squirrel in the garden today. First time in years. Caught on cam.

Got a lads day out tomorrow …

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