Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Yet another banging Sunday afternoon at Esquires. By the look of them, and a bit of a sound-check preview I didn't have very high hopes, I thought I was going to be subjected to Heavy Metal. But Oh not a bit of it!
Devil's Mojo are really very talented musicians who put on a brilliant show of mostly pop and rock covers, but rather more versatile than Bedford's regular bands comprising always of old white men.
In this image I've caught percussion, vocals and lead guitar, who I would say were the stand-out talent, but there were also bass and rhythm guitarists who helped to give a fully rounded sound.
The vocalist had brought her daughters along, as well as a person I assumed to be their Dad. The younger daughter, I'd guess about 9 years old, got up to dance part-way through the second set and we couldn't take our eyes off her. She commanded the space. I was sorry that I couldn't get a decent shot of her almost trance-like movement. The stage is just about adequately lit but the dance-floor not at all. She reminded me so much of my step-granddaughter at about the same age in 2017.
After the show I went to speak with her and she gave me such a lovely small-person hug.
I've had such a happy weekend.

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