Cooking Without Blah Blah

Teba got a special cookbook for her birthday and today we tried the first recipe. The Oven tomatoes turned out delicious and the variation with papers, too. (Our tomatoes were way to smal)
The book is made for people who can't read. The pictures are very easy to understand. Until now there are five versions in German, but sadly I couldn't find an English version.
Kochen ohne Bla Bla
It is origin in French with a lot of variations

Thank you so much for your lovely Birthday wishes for Teba. 
It made her smile a lot and she was very happy about your kindness.

I'm out of Blip tonight again. I felt lousy today and so I'm a bit late now. Yes, I'm better now, but I still have to decorate  three cakes, which Teba will take to her work tomorrow morning. They had just put together two working groups and now she will celebrate with 34 colleagues and carers. Fun ahead! :-D

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