
By fennerpearson

The longest day

I took this photo at at thirty-three minutes past four IN THE MORNING.

According to the world wide web this was the time that the sun would be rising in my neck of the woods. I had got up especially early, got dressed, made some coffee and gone outside to face east with my camera.

I had ignored two crucial factors, however. Firstly, there is a hill in the way, for which some adjustment would need to be made and, secondly, there was a very thick mist, which, whilst not evident in the photo, got heavier and heavier as the minutes past. Eventually. at ten past five or thereabouts, I gave up. Everything looked just the same.

(It was at some point during The Wait that my friend @artminx tweeted "It's going to be a long day." I was still too asleep to get the joke.)

Still, never give up. Next year, the longest day will be a Saturday, so I'm going to hope for sunshine, go somewhere less hilly and take the boy with me.

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